Watch Age Restricted Videos on YouTube Without Sign-in

Change language or location settings - Computer - YouTube Help YouTube provides language and content preferences for all countries and languages where YouTube is launched, and YouTube is constantly expanding the ability for the product to reach more users. If you cannot find your language or country, select an option that is … How video views are counted - YouTube Help To verify that views are real and accurate, YouTube may temporarily slow down, freeze, or change the view count, as well as discard low-quality playbacks. Note : Using multiple devices to watch the same video and streaming the same video across multiple windows and tabs are …

How to View Videos on YouTube - dummies Viewing videos on YouTube is easy. To watch a YouTube video, just click an image icon — the page changes, and the video begins playing in a little window. Viewing a video is just that simple. Each video comes complete with a controller that lets you Pause the video. Click the button that has two […] Disable or enable Restricted Mode - Computer - YouTube Help Click your profile picture .. Click Restricted Mode.. In the dialog box that appears, toggle Restricted Mode to on or off. Problems disabling Restricted Mode. Computers in libraries, universities, and other public institutions may have Restricted Mode enabled by the system administrator.

Mar 25, 2015

Jun 05, 2018 · While Google still knows about your connections to the site, it cannot drop cookies in the web browser anymore which it may read whenever you visit sites with YouTube content. Another positive aspect of using the desktop program to watch YouTube videos is that you may watch the video without all the noise on the YouTube site. Downsides